
Yjs is untyped. We must know what each attribute contains at build-time and cast its values when accessing them. It is essential to ensure both models use the same schema, to prevent errors at run-time because of a wrong cast. For this purpose, in the following sections, we can find the description of the schema used by each model in case we want to extend them to create a custom model.


	 * Contains the state of the document.
	 * At the moment the only mandatory attributes are path and dirty.
	"state": YMap<string, any>,
	 * Contains the content of the document.
	"source": YText



	 * Whether the document is dirty.
	"dirty": bool,
	 * Document's path.
	"path": str


	 * Contains the state of the document.
	 * At the moment the only mandatory attributes are path and dirty.
	"state": YMap<string, any>,
	 * Contains document's metadata.
	 * Note: Do not confuse it with the notebook's metadata attribute,
	 * "meta" has `nbformat`, `nbformat_minor`, and `metadata`
	"meta": YMap<string, any>,
	 * The list of YMap that stores the data of each cell.
	"cells": YArray<YMap<string, any>>


	 * Whether the document is dirty.
	"dirty": bool,
	 * Document's path.
	"path": str


	 * The version of the notebook format supported by the schema.
	"nbformat": number,
	 * The minor version of the notebook format.
	"nbformat_minor": number,
	 * Notebook's metadata.
	"metadata": YMap<string, any>


	 * The following JSON object is actually a YMap that contains
	 * the described attributes.
		 * Cell's id.
		"id": str,
		 * Cell type.
		"cell_type": str,
		 * The content of the cell (the code).
		"source": YText,
		 * Cell's metadata.
		"metadata": YMap<string, any>,
		 * The execution count.
		"execution_count": Int | None,
		 * Cell's outputs.
		"outputs": [] | None,
		 * Cell's attachments.
		"attachments": {} | None